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co truction work in proce
在建工程  detail>>
co truction work quantity
建筑安装工程量  detail>>
co truction
构型 构造 建筑现场 结构  detail>>
i truction proce or
指令处理机  detail>>
work in proce
在制品  detail>>
actual co truction time
实际工期  detail>>
amalfi co truction
条状外帮式凉鞋结构  detail>>
architectural co truction
建筑结构  detail>>
area of co truction
建筑面积  detail>>
aseismatic co truction
抗震措施  detail>>
backplastered co truction
背面抹灰的构造  detail>>
balanced co truction of plywood
胶合板平衡结构  detail>>
balloon co truction
轻型构造  detail>>
balloon frame co truction
轻捷骨架结构  detail>>
bar co truction
棒构造  detail>>
beam and girder co truction
治梁梁格结构  detail>>
beam co truction
梁构造  detail>>
beam column co truction
梁柱结构  detail>>